I am frequently asked about how to “snake proof” a home. To answer this question, it is important to understand snake behaviour around homes and where I have personally found them when attending emergency snake call outs.

Snakes can remain stationary for extended periods and otherwise can be on the move for (in extreme cases up to 1.5 kilometres in a day). I have personally seen venomous snakes of Melbourne:
AROUND THE HOME, I have found snakes:
Climb mortar between bricks on vertical walls
Climb on top of roof tops, in gutters and hang from lattices.
Crawl into weep holes (gaps left between bricks in external masonry walls that provide ventilation to building materials) and then crawl around internal spaces in the wall.
Hide in the gaps between concrete pathways and homes
Sit on window sills, underneath front door mats, and climb inside the gap between the front door and the ground.
In garages hiding in corners or near tools
& Much more.
INSIDE THE HOME, I have found snakes:
Underneath refrigerators
In the back of dishwashers
Underneath master beds in the bedroom
Behind desks, TV units & bookshelves
Inside kitchen cupboards and the pantry
Hiding in children’s toys and toy boxes
Hanging from light fittings in the ceiling.
And of course sitting on the floor waiting to be found.
Much, much more.
IN THE GARDEN, I have found snakes:
Underneath scrub or hiding in longer grass
Hiding underneath or in between rocks.
Around and swimming in swimming pools, ponds or water features
Inside kids cubby houses or outhouses.
In flower beds, veggie patches, raised garden boxes.
Inside garden sheds, chicken coups and outdoor bird cages.
Climb trees in search of birds
Climbing fences to access a yard
Inside of motor vehicles, engine bodies, around wheels
Much, much more.

Snakes can slither over, under and around fences into anywhere in your garden (front, side or rear). Snakes can crawl up your front driveway and temporarily make your home their own for a designated period of time.
Similarly snakes can enter your home also. At night I frequently catch snakes inside someone’s home and they can enter through:
Underneath the front or back door or through open doors.
Open windows or gaps in windows especially where wire mesh has holes or cuts,
Doggy doors
Holes in walls (around pipes or otherwise)
Through Weep Holes where there is also holes in the internal framework.
Vents, ducts, gaps, holes in flooring (especially where construction work occurs)
Being carried inside laundry or shopping bags or otherwise boots or shoes that are carried inside.
"Snake Proofing" means to protect a home and property from a snake so that it will be impenetrable for snakes to enter or otherwise prevent them from accessing your property.
Snake proofing is actually a myth and not possible to be achieved.
You read that line correctly: Snake proofing a home is not possible to be achieved.
However there remains products on the market available which exploit home owner’s fear of snakes. These products are sold with different levels of guarantees to prevent snakes from entering your home. These include:
Snake “proof” fencing
Solar snake repellents.
Spraying the house with chemicals from a pest controller
Other mechanical, electronic devices which “prevent” snakes.
Recipes that grandma made in another country that you spray around the home to prevent snakes because they “hate the smell”
Purchasing blue tongue lizards to put in the garden to “get rid of snakes”.
Purchasing "special" plants that deter snakes.
As Australia’s own SNAKE HUNTER, I have caught snakes on properties on many occasion with all the above products present at the premises.
The home/business owner then will ask me why the “snake proof” products did not work or otherwise point them out to me. On one occasion, the home owner advised they called the manufacturer of the snake repellent to ask why a snake still entered their premises. The manufacturer reportedly responded on the phone: “You obviously need to purchase more”.
I have been advised that Consumer Affairs and the ACCC have been advised about concerns of misleading and deceptive advertising of “snake proof” products.
Despite this, after removing a snake from a home, I often find owners reluctant to get rid of these “snake repellents” even though it is evident they do not work. I have also attended child care centres, schools and businesses that were showing me the “snake proof” fencing they spent thousands on to protect their guests/children. The business/school head was pointing out the fencing while I was capturing a snake on site – again proving such products do not work.

As Melbourne’s own SNAKE HUNTER, I am a licensed Snake Catcher and perform Snake Control and Snake Removal. In order to be best protected around snakes, it is important to have an awareness about these animals:
While there is a lot of fear and hype, snakes do NOT go out of their way to harm people. In fact the opposite is true, snakes try to avoid people as they are incredibly shy creatures.
As stated there is nothing you can do to 100% guarantee snake proof your home or back yard. Australia is home to snakes just as much as it is to our people.
Frequently snakes are traveling through your yards or properties in search of food, shelter, water or protection from the elements. For more information about the snakes you are likely to come across in Melbourne, click HERE.
Simple common sense steps include (but are not exclusive to):
Keep all yards tidy and clear from loose ground cover: sheets of metal, hard rubbish etc.
Remove overgrown weeds and creeping vegetation.
Snakes love rock retaining walls especially where there are holes or access to water (such as a pool). Be sure to fill in all gaps with concrete or another hard substance.
Remove overgrown vegetation on fence lines.
Try not to have large gaps between the entrance door and the floor. Snakes can fit under these gaps to enter your home.
Ensure doggy doors have no gaps around them. reaching roof tops of your home. Snakes are particularly good climbers and can access your roof this way.
Wear good boots (or protective footwear), long pants if about the garden and also use protective gardening gloves.
Look before you touch any aspect of your garden!
Keep yourself and your family safe around snakes.
Common sense prevails around ensuring that you and your family are safe around snakes. Most importantly, if you see a snake, do NOT touch it or go near it. Be sure to teach your children and family members this very important message.
Though our snakes are shy (generally) by nature, they are the most deadly in the entire world. I repeat, Australian snakes are the most venomous snakes in the entire world.
As a result, if you see a snake, follow these simple steps:
Don't touch a snake
Don't try to kill a snake (this is also illegal and can land you in serious trouble with the law).
Don't go near a snake.
Do NOT try to scare a snake away
Do NOT try to capture the snake yourself.
Keep children away from snakes
Teach children the above points.
Call The Snake Hunter to safely catch and handle the snake, then remove the snake and keep you and your family safe. We are licensed to operate as a snake catcher and snake handler.
Follow the above general guidelines.
Be aware and alert in and around your home.

The best advice I can give is the following:
While there is nothing you can do to 100% protect your home from snakes, common sense prevails. Implementing the above suggestions helps to reduce risks to yourself and your family. That said, there are a few key suggestions that I believe will benefit significantly:
1. Print the attached File to hang up around your home, business, school or childcare.
2. Education and awareness is the most important factor when dealing with snakes. Book in a
for yourself and your family. Invite neighbours and extended family to come along as well. To do so call: 0403875409.
3. Contact the SNAKE HUNTER to request a free business card or fridge magnet to put in a visible place so contact details are readily accessible in case you see a snake.
4. Put the SNAKE HUNTER 24/7 Emergency phone number on speed dial: 0403 875 409
5. Book the SNAKE HUNTER to do an inspection of your premises to provide specific advice on what you can do for your home/business.
6. If you see a snake, call the SNAKE HUNTER on 0403 875 409. Failure to do so could result in serious injury or death.
Snake Hunters assume no responsibility for the information contained herein. This is a general guide on dealing with elapid snakes in and around your homes and property. For more specific information relating to your individual circumstance, call Snake Hunters on 0403 875 409